HandyDocs is a documentation boilerplate template for projects that don't have or require complex documentation. It
is designed to give users a clear, concise overview of the documentation provided.
Built with modern technologies:
Next.js & React
dynamic imports
batteries-included styling
custom components
With this tech stack, each HandyDocs instance is easily configurable & customizable to suite your project.
Easy as 1, 2, 3!
Fork the chroline/handydocs template repo. This will give you a blank
canvas for your HandyDocs instance.
Or, use degit to scaffold your project by running
degit chroline/handydocs.
Clone your forked repo to your local machine.
git clone *YOUR_REPO*
Customize your instance and add content.
...and then you're done!
Since HandyDocs is built with JAMStack technologies, you can deploy your instance to your favorite serverless/static web
host provider like Vercel or Netlify.
There are 3 main parts to the HandyDocs configuration file:
SEO — search engine optimization; metadata about your site (site title, favicon, open graph images, etc.)
Hero content — styling and content for the hero
Table of contents — title of each content section
Each part will be explained more in-depth in their respective documentation sections.
The HandyDocs configuration file uses the YAML markup language and adheres to a strict structure, represented by the
following Typescript interface:
HandyDocs features built-in SEO thanks to the next-seo package. Site metadata
such as site name, favicon, open graph info, Twitter info, and more is controlled through the seo part of the
HandyDocs configuration file.
The seo part of the HandyDocs configuration file is the most flexible, structure wise. All data included in the seo
part of the HandyDocs configuration file is passed to next-seo, which makes it fully customizable.
For a full list of options that can be utilized, read the
next-seo README.
The hero is the main part of your HandyDocs instance—it's the big, colorful section at the top of this instance. Your
HandyDocs instance doesn't have to look quite like this instance, however. HandyDocs offers a variety of customization
options to make your instance look exactly the way you want.
The hero part of the HandyDocs configuration file follows a strict structure, represented by the following Typescript
To customize your instance's logo, you will use the logo property. Currently, only text logos are supported, but image
support is coming soon!
Simply pass the name of your instance to the logo.name property
The subheading is the short description located underneath the logo in the hero.
subheading:"minimal but capable documentation template"
Info boxes are the big links at the bottom of the hero. There are typically 2-5 info boxes in the hero.
The icon of the info box is displayed as a CSS mask, so you can use
an SVG image as the icon. Simply place the SVG file in the public folder and link it to the icon property.
The footer is found at the bottom of all HandyDocs instances. This is a location for you to conclude your documentation
by showing your logo, copyright, and social links.
The footer part of the HandyDocs configuration file follows a strict structure, represented by the following
Typescript interface:
You are able to customize which socials are displayed in the footer and where they link to. Currently, only Github,
Twitter, and email socials are supported, but expect more coming soon!
Each social link is optional, and the order in which they are included is the order in which they will be displayed.
Individual sections of a HandyDocs instance are saved as mdx files in the public/docs folder. These files are then imported
and processed by HandyDocs.
Each section must be added to the toc section of the HandyDocs configuration file. The toc section is simply an object
that maps filenames of the section to their respective titles in the order in which they should be displayed.
All HandyDocs content is written in MDX. This means that all standard markdown features are supported, and you can use
additional custom components.
Custom components
By default, HandyDocs supports chakra-ui alerts as custom components. If you want to create additional custom components
or include more chakra-ui components, be sure to include them in the components object in
next-mdx-remote, the plugin HandyDocs uses for importing and processing MDX files, does not support importing
components directly into content files. To use a custom component, they must be specified in the components object in
HandyDocs lets you customize different parts of your instance with custom SCSS styles. Let's run through some examples
of what can be customized.
Chakra UI
HandyDocs is powered by chakra-ui, a React component library that allows for a great amount of styling and customization
options. Because chakra-ui makes use of CSS variables, you are able to access those variables in your custom styles.
For more information, read the article CSS Variables - Chakra UI on
the official chakra-ui documentation.
You can customize the global font family used by HandyDocs by setting the --handydocs-font-family CSS variable to
whatever font you choose.
You can add custom styles to the hero by assigning styles to the #hero element.
#hero {// styles here}
You can add custom styles to your content as well by assigning styles to the #content element. Every documentation
section contains a div#content element, so your styles will only be applied to within the documentation content.
Here are some custom styles used by the official HandyDocs instance:
#content {> * {border-radius:var(--chakra-radii-md);}img, pre {border-radius:var(--chakra-radii-md);}img {box-shadow:var(--chakra-shadows-sm);}pre {box-shadow:var(--chakra-shadows-xs);}}
Syntax Highlighting
HandyDocs uses prism.js for syntax highlighting, and as such, you can use any prism.js themes to style your codeblocks.
You have the ability to include two separate syntax highlighting themes: one for dark mode, and one for light mode.
These files are located at styles/syntax-highlighting/dark.scss and styles/syntax-highlighting/light.scss,
Simply paste your CSS/SCSS prism.js themes into these files, and your code will be highlighted as desired.